Fantastic write-up, thank you!

Small correction:

"The DoRA two-step process (decomposing a pretrained weight matrix and applying DoRA to the directional matrix) is further illustrated in the figure from the DoRA paper below."

applying DoRA to the directional matrix --> applying LoRA to the directional matrix.

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Feb 19Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

layer_lora_1 = LinearWithLoRA(layer, rank=2, alpha=4)

print("LoRA output:", layer_lora_2(x))

minor typo, did you mean ("LoRA output:", layer_lora_1(x))

Thanks for great write-up

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Feb 18Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Great write-up! Clear, informative, on a super useful topic. Thank you for sharing!!

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Apr 26Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

I have a OOM error in this line:

denominator = numerator.norm(p=2, dim=0, keepdim=True), is it will consume much more GPU memory. how can we handle this?

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Apr 24Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Thanks for your great writing.

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Mar 12Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Great write up. Thankyou

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Mar 10Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Great write-up! thank you!

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Mar 6Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

as always, great post!

Thank you very much!

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Feb 21Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Incredible write-up and turn around on this.

Does it seem a bit slow that m is multiplied by both V and delta V? (I guess especially multiplying by V adds steps for the forward propagation). I don't really see a way around this though.

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Feb 19Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

For domains where we have large amounts of raw data (eg: 10 Billion tokens or more), would peft methods like DORA/LORA combined with converting the data to instruction format (eg: AdaptLLM) be sufficient to adapt the model to the new domain or do we have to definitely perform Full Fine-Tuning?

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Feb 19Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Indeed good article. @rasbt I am surprise by result too, I would also be curious if we just do weight normalization of standard LORA itself?

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Feb 19Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Awesome 🤩 l was wondering can LoRa/DoRa be applied to vision models or object detection models as well.

Since pretrained models know how to detect / classify , it doesn’t know what to detect (out-of-distribution Concepts).

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Feb 18Liked by Sebastian Raschka, PhD

Great explanation, thank you!

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Seems like LeCun's server is down, currently I cannot download the MNIST datasets from there

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